

This message is sent by the IN Tester when it is simulating the role of a Home Location Register (HLR). This causes the tester to generate the effect of a MS (mobile handset) initiating a USSD interaction to the SCP.


The operation attributes are as follows.

Attribute Type Description
type String map.hlr_to_scp.ProcessUnstructuredSSRequest
label String An optional label for this node if it is to be the target of a branch operation.
tcap_ac null / TCAP alias / Hex String Specifies the TCAP Application Context to be sent for this outbound TCAP_BEGIN.
May be null, a well-known TCAP alias, or a free-form hex string, e.g 04000101010003.
(Default = null).
send_with_next Boolean Request that this MAP operation should be bundled with the next outbound TCAP.
(Default = false).
send_and_close Boolean Request that this MAP operation should be sent as TCAP END.
(Default = false).
arguments Object [Required] The structure of the MAP ussd-Arg to construct and send.
Also additional TCAP sending attributes.
.* Fields as described in N2::MAP::Codec ProcessUnstructuredSSRequest.
.tcap Object Container for additional TCAP attributes related to this MAP encoding and TCAP message send.
.map_open Object Specify additional parameters for the MAP-Open.
.destination_reference Binary String This attribute can be specified as binary data. Alternatively, specify the individual components below.
Digit String
Hexadecimal Digits 0-9/A-F
Range 0..1, default = 0 [complete]
Range 0..15, default = 1 [ITU-T E.164]
All ignored if destination_reference is defined.
.origination_reference Binary String This attribute can be specified as binary data. Alternatively, specify the individual components below.
Digit String
Hexadecimal Digits 0-9/A-F
Range 0..1, default = 0 [complete]
Range 0..15, default = 1 [ITU-T E.164]
All ignored if origination_reference is defined.


This is an example entry within the operations array:

  "type": "map.hlr_to_scp.ProcessUnstructuredSSRequest",
  "arguments": {
    "tcap": {
      "map_open": {
        "destination_reference_digits": "655011420096316",
        "destination_reference_noa": 1,
        "destination_reference_npi": 6,
        "origination_reference_digits": "64221420001",
        "origination_reference_noa": 1,
        "origination_reference_npi": 1,
    "ussdString_text": "*#101#",
    "msisdn_digits": "27761485722",
    "msisdn_npi": 1,
    "msisdn_noa": 1