

The JSLEE provides a broad spectrum of statistics to statistics monitoring systems. To provide the widest reach possible, statistics in the JSLEE are collected and configured within the JSLEE binary through Micrometer, a vendor-neutral solution for distributing metrics.

Vert.x metrics, Micrometer and modern aggregation and display solutions are sophisticated and detailed documentation on these tools is out of scope of this document.

Configuring Statistics

It is possible to control OS statistics gathering within the JSLEE, however all other statistics gathering and publishing is currently fixed. See JSLEE Configuration for configuration details of OS statistics.

Accessing Statistics

Statistics are accessed through the JSLEE console which runs by default on port 5290 on each node. To access statistics, make an HTTP query to http://servername:5290/metrics, updating the server name as applicable.

An excerpt from a running system will include many metrics, e.g.:

# HELP vertx_pool_usage_seconds Time using a resource
# TYPE vertx_pool_usage_seconds summary
vertx_pool_usage_seconds_count{pool_type="worker",} 169.0
vertx_pool_usage_seconds_sum{pool_type="worker",} 1.900028425
# HELP vertx_pool_usage_seconds_max Time using a resource
# TYPE vertx_pool_usage_seconds_max gauge
vertx_pool_usage_seconds_max{pool_type="worker",} 1.660920192

OS and JVM Statistics

OS and JVM Statistics can be generated by the JSLEE if required. If enabled, the following statistics will be available:

Memory Statistics

Statistic Type Description
jvm_memory_max Gauge The total memory the JVM has pre-allocated for use by the Java managed memory allocator.
jvm_memory_used Gauge The actual memory being used by the JSLEE for managed memory objects.
system.memory.available Gauge The total system memory available. This is tracked using OSHI. Gauge The total system memory. This is tracked using OSHI.
system.memory.used Gauge The total system memory used. This is tracked using OSHI. Gauge The total system swap. This is tracked using OSHI.
system.memory.swap.used Gauge The total system swap used. This is tracked using OSHI.

CPU Statistics

Statistic Type Description
system.cpu.usage.pct Gauge The CPU usage as a percentage. This metric has a mode tag showing the usage type: user, system, idle, nice, irq, or softirq.
system.load.1m Gauge The average system load over the last minute. This metric has a cpus tag that gives a count of the number of CPUs available as the load requires the total CPU count to be understood.
system.load.5m Gauge The average system load over the last five minutes. This metric has a cpus tag that gives a count of the number of CPUs available as the load requires the total CPU count to be understood.
system.load.15m Gauge The average system load over the last fifteen minutes. This metric has a cpus tag that gives a count of the number of CPUs available as the load requires the total CPU count to be understood. Counter The CPU seconds used as a numeric total. This metric has a mode tag showing the usage type: user, system, idle, nice, irq, or softirq.

Network Statistics

Statistic Type Description Counter The total bytes received by the machine over network links. Counter The total bytes received by the machine over network links. Counter The total packet count received by the machine over network links. Counter The total packet count received by the machine over network links.

JSLEE Event Bus Statistics

Statistic Type Description
n2jslee.eventbus.requests_pending Gauge The number of outstanding requests the service is waiting for. Unlike core Vert.X statistics, this statistic provides both node and service breakdowns so that it is possible to see the pending queue per JSLEE service.
n2jslee.eventbus.request_latency_ms Distribution The milliseconds delay between sending a request to the Vert.X event bus and receiving a reply. This gives details on how long it takes services to wait in receiving a reply. When coupled with other statistics (such as the translator_request_latency_ms Translator statistics it is possible to monitor event bus transmission times vs. processing times in services.

Statistics Format

Statistics are provided in the Prometheus format, which is a simple text based format with all statistics listed. A central Prometheus installation should pull statistics at regular intervals, storing and aggregating these as required in its own deployment.

Statistics Display

Statistical display depends on the statistics solution you are using. One option is Grafana, a highly capable web-application for the display of statistics sourced from a range of backend solutions, including Prometheus:

Example Solution Setup


Install Prometheus

Download Prometheus.

Untar the file:

tar xvfz prometheus-*.tar.gz
   cd prometheus-*

Configure Prometheus

Configure Prometheus by editing the YML file:

vi prometheus.yml

For easy set up use the default configuration, updating the jslee.server.address value for your JSLEE server address:

  scrape_interval:     15s
  evaluation_interval: 15s

    # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
    # scheme defaults to 'http'.
  - job_name: prometheus
      - targets: ['jslee.server.address:5290', 'localhost:9090']

Once configured, run Prometheus:

./prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml

In a browser open the URL http://localhost:9090 to view graphs, or http://localhost:9090/metrics to view metrics.

To test Prometheus, enter the query:


Select Execute, this should give you some metrics on the HTTP requests Prometheus has handled.


Install Grafana

To install Grafana download and install via a package manager, e.g. for Debian-based installations:

sudo apt-get install -y adduser libfontconfig
sudo dpkg -i grafana_6.0.2_amd64.deb 

Start the Grafana service:

sudo service grafana-server start

# To configure Grafana to start on boot:
sudo update-rc.d grafana-server defaults

You can now access grafana at localhost:3000. The default login is admin/admin.

Configure a data source

Once logged into Grafana you will need to configure it to read from Prometheus, to do this:

Then add the following details:

Then select Save and test.

Add a dashboard

Select the Create your first dashboard button Select the Dashboard Settings button in the top right-hand corner of the new dashboard screen:

In the menu on the left hand side select JSON Model:

Clear the contents of the JSON edit panel and replace it with the example Micrometer Prometheus Dashboard for Grafana.

Select Save Changes.